How to crack ielts exam in 4 weeks with the help of Brownstone IELTS academy


The Brownstone IELTS academy is the best IELTS institute in the world. It has a great team of experienced teachers who have been working with students for years. At Brownstone we teach strategies for reading, writing and speaking so that you can score high in your exam.

Strategies for reading:


Reading is the most important step in ielts exam. You should read the passage carefully and try to understand it completely. You can also use your dictionary to check whether you are right or wrong while reading. After reading all the questions carefully, answer them one by one under time management skills.

Brownstone IELTS academy is the best IELTS academy in Zirakpur.

The teachers at Brownstone have a lot of experience in teaching and they know how to handle each student’s needs and make him/her comfortable during the class. This makes it easier for them to answer any question you might have about your preparation process or about what happens next on your journey towards achieving desired band score.
Strategies for reading in Brownstone IELTS academy.

Reading in Brownstone IELTS academy is a very important step to cracking the exam. Here are some strategies for reading:

Read the question first, then read the passage carefully and underline any words you don’t understand.

Mark any words that you do not know or cannot find in your dictionary.

Use context to help you understand what each word means – e.g., if there are two similar-sounding words right next to each other (e.g., “conduct” and “conducted”), they should probably be considered synonyms because they mean exactly the same thing (e.g., conducting something). However, if there’s no other way of knowing which meaning is correct without reading through all three sentences again…then go with whichever one seems like it makes sense based on context!