The computer-based ielts exam is better than the pen and paper ielts exam.


You will get more accurate test results

With the pen and paper exam, you can make mistakes while taking the test. For example, if you don’t know the correct answer to a question or think it’s too hard for you to answer, then there’s nothing wrong with guessing instead of answering it correctly.

But with computer-based ielts exams, this isn’t possible because they are more reliable than any other type of test score. They’re also much easier for people who aren’t very good at reading English because all tasks are presented on a computer screen rather than being written down on paper (which makes it easier for anyone).

It provides a secure, high-quality exam environment

The Ielts test is a high-quality and secure exam environment. This means that the test is not compromised, manipulated or unfair.

The ielts conputerised tests are administered by experts in the field of testing who have undergone extensive training to ensure they are able to create an environment that provides fair results for candidates.

It allows for quicker delivery of test results. Results are available within 48 hours of the tests being taken.
Results are more accurate than those produced by other methods, such as paper-based or online testing.

Results are available to candidates earlier, which helps them prepare better for their interviews and offers higher chances of getting a job offer.

The exam is fair and equal to all candidates

The exam is made up of two parts: Part 1 and Part 2. Candidates take these tests separately on different days, so it’s possible for you to get an advantage over other people if you’re able to complete both parts in less time than usual. The exam questions are similar across both parts, but there may be some minor differences between them (for example, some questions might ask about more than one thing).

You can access our Ielts software through your computer or smartphone; however, if you have any trouble with this process or need assistance while taking your test (e.g., finding answers), please contact us.

It provides candidates with useful feedback on their performance

You can see how many questions are correct or incorrect for each question type (e.g., multiple choice).
You can also see the percentage of candidates who got these same questions correct as well as their average score per question type. It could mean that students are not getting enough practice solving these types of problems or it could mean they aren’t familiar enough with the format yet!